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NEST* Program

Relocation is often a family affair. Most employers recognize that supporting the career and lifestyle needs of relocating partners is an important piece of recruitment, yet they often don't have the resources or community connections to provide individual support. The NEST* (Nurturing Employees & Supporting Transitions) Program is a made-in-Kingston solution to the challenge. Upon referral by a participating employer, accompanying partners will receive comprehensive assistance from a Career & Relocation Specialist who will develop a personalized action plan based on individual career goals and support the family's integration into the local community.

Following an in-depth interview to establish partner needs early in the recruitment process, the Career & Relocation Specialist may offer the following services:

  • Career guidance and support in navigating the regional job market
  • Strategic networking opportunities
  • Comprehensive job search support
  • Facilitated referrals to health, education, and recreation services

"I started the program when I was still living outside the city and was job searching in order to relocate and join my partner, who had already started his new job in Kingston. Through working with Chris from the NEST* program, I was able to gain an in-depth understanding of the labour market beyond what I could have researched on my own. The opportunity to be introduced to people in my field in Kingston was incredibly helpful, not only for the chance to network but also in validating the choice to move to Kingston. Meeting warm, approachable and genuine people in advance of the move helped me be able to picture myself working and living in the city. Most meaningfully, I felt supported throughout the whole process. This helped reduce the stress of moving to a new city, took the pressure off, and made me feel welcome. It was great to have a sounding board to talk about my job search process, get feedback and not feel that I had to rely too heavily on my partner, who was also getting settled in. I am so thankful to have had the chance to participate in this program and would recommend it to anyone in the process of moving to, or getting settled in Kingston."

Nest* Program Participant

"Chris discussed every word used in my cover letter, corrected every major or minor error, and improved its overall layout by giving advice on fonts and format. He also checked my resume item by item just to make sure that I had put everything necessary on it. He’s very friendly, professional, and resourceful.

The service offered by the NEST* Program significantly improved my applications and made me more knowledgeable about the local market. I would recommend this program and particularly Chris to all new residents, especially those who speak English as a second language, since Chris excels in communicating and is very good at guessing what a non-native speaker is trying to express."

NEST* Program Participant

"I am grateful for having been referred to the NEST* Program. Chris has helped me a lot and went above and beyond during my search for employment. We truly felt valued by making such great services available to us."

NEST* Program Participant

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To learn how your organization can benefit from the NEST* Program, contact us.

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